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We Are Making Ai

Personal, Private, and Easily Accessible

At DeAi, we believe that certain key technologies — including genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and decentralization technologies (GRAND) — are central to the development of humanity. We provide solutions to help people and businesses incorporate these technologies using Ai while at the same time keeping their information private.


We have years of experience in the development of sector-agnostic Ai software. Decentralised Ai will provide users with the option to take their Ai offline and use their local computing power to drive it.

If you care about privacy
and you believe that a future like Star Trek
is better than Brave New World...


Ai platform enabled by over four years of development

Engaged in commercial use since 2020

Deployed Ai Models ready for blockchain development

Distributed computing system, Sensei functional since 2019

DeAi System Overview:

Odin Ai Facts:

DeAi is blockchain technology powered by the Odin Ai software platform.

Developing your own Artificial Intelligence platform is extremely challenging.

Let DeAi connect your ideas and datasets to the Ai platform it deserves.

See how the DeAi ecosystem works


NFT Market

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